Taking Care of the Caregiver

No one ever said it would be easy and it’s not. Caregiving for older people in our lives forces us to confront our own ageing and the fragility of life. That’s is just one of the many challenges. Together we’ll explore some of the challenges and some of the spiritual and emotional tools that can be helpful. And that will help us discover the blessings.

Join Jewish Family Service and Jewish Senior Life as they welcome Author Rabbi Laura Geller as part of a series to educate, empower and connect family caregivers.

Rabbi Laura Geller is the Rabbi Emerita of Temple Emanuel of Beverly Hills. She was twice named one of Newsweek’s 50 Most Influential Rabbis in America as well as one of the fifty 2017 Influencers in Aging by PBS Next Avenue. She is the coauthor of the book, Getting Good at Getting Older. She served as the Director of Hillel of University of Southern California for 14 years and as the Pacific Southwest Region’s Executive Director of the American Jewish Congress for 4 years. She served as a Fellow of the Corporation of Brown University from where she graduated in 1971. She serves on the boards of Encore.org and the Jewish Women’s Archives. Ordained by Hebrew Union College in 1976, she is the third woman in the Reform Movement to become a rabbi.