NEXTWork presents Creating a Personal Vision of Greatness with ZingTrain

Did you know Zingerman’s doesn’t just make pastrami sandwiches? It’s true! They’re also known worldwide for their professional development trainings, and we are thrilled to welcome them to the NEXTWork community for one of their signature workshops: Creating a Personal Vision of Greatness.

So what’s a vision? It’s an answer to the simple—yet radical—question: “When we’re really successful in our work/lives at a particular point in the future, what will our organization/lives look like?” Visioning is a tool that can help clarify what is most important. A way to define the destination we’re aiming for so that we can better prioritize how to spend our time and other resources (including our physical and emotional energy) on a day-to-day basis. Together, we’ll learn how effective visioning has been an important part of Zingerman’s success and how you can use this powerful tool to fuel your own personal and professional success.