New on the Mizrahi Bookshelf: Meet the Scholars

Merav Alush-Levron, Inbal Blau, Yali Hashash, Noa Hazan, Naphtaly Shem-Tov

The interdisciplinary field of Mizrahi studies covers a wide array of issues, approaches, and methodologies, illuminating in compellingly diverse ways the intricacies of the Mizrahi experience. This hybrid panel brings together scholars who published invaluable books over the past year, thus contributing to the expansion of knowledge about the historical, cultural, and socio-political dimensions of the Mizrahi experience. The authors will present their new texts, while also participating in a conversation with the audience about the significant issues raised by their books and the intellectual dialogue they hope to generate. Offering insight into this vital scholarly landscape, the panel also aims to give a sense of the challenges faced by critical scholars engaging the Mizrahi story within fresh perspectives.

Hybrid Event
Room TBA
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