NEXTWork “Second Inning” Insights with Start-Up Junkie Jason Raznick

Join us for the relaunch of NEXTWork, NEXTGen Detroit’s professional development and networking series for young Jewish Detroiters. Who better to kick of our re-imagined program than Jason Raznick, co-founder and CEO of Benzinga. Jason built Benzinga 12 years ago during the Great Recession, and after a recent 9-figure acquisition, he’s calling this new chapter the company’s “second inning.” We’ll get to check out Benzinga’s space in the Compuware World Headquarters building and hear from Jason on what lessons he’s learned as a self proclaimed start-up junkie that can be applied to anyone’s professional journey. And of course, it wouldn’t be NEXTWork without some top-tier networking, so grab a drink and get ready to meet some fellow young Jewish professionals.